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Dear Forms Committee: What are the best forms to include in a buyer representation presentation?

With the new laws and policies going into effect, now is a great time to polish up your buyer presentations.

‌Here are the must-haves to get you started on your checklist:

· OREF 047 – Advisory Regarding Real Estate Compensation

· OREF 042 – OREA Initial Agency Disclosure Pamphlet

· OREF 041 – Disclosed Limited Agency Agreement for Buyers

· OREF 050 – Buyer Representation Agreement – Exclusive, or OREF 052 – Buyer Representation Agreement – Nonexclusive

· OREF 000A – Things to Know Before You Sign

· Any forms required by your firm

Here are helpful advisories best presented before starting the home search:

· OREF 102 – Advisory to Buyer Regarding Recording Devices

· OREF 043 – Advisory Regarding Electronic Funds

Additional items you may want to consider making a part of your buyer presentation:

· A list of services you provide, including how the home search will work, procedure for viewing homes, how you will guide the buyer thru the process, how you evaluate market value of prospective homes, and how often you will be in touch with the buyer.

· A list of helpful FAQs to review with your buyer about the home-buying process.

· A detailed breakdown of the home buying process, including selecting an agent, selecting a lender and getting preapproved, making an offer, negotiating repairs, understanding the appraisal process, and steps toward closing.

· A sample of the sale agreement, which is available on our website. Take some time to review each section thoroughly to assist them in understanding the document. Make sure to include the Definitions & Miscellaneous sections to help familiarize them with the key terms used throughout the agreement.

· A list of financial do’s and don’ts, including warnings about taking out new loans, avoiding large purchases on credit, employment stability, and protecting their full financial picture.

All comments and responses from OREF or its staff, managers, and volunteers are non-legal opinions made for general purposes. Each Forms subscriber must rely solely upon their Principal broker or personal legal counsel for specific advice and instruction. You and your client should independently confirm that the Form(s) you use are legally suitable for the purposes intended and that they are current with respect to all laws and regulations.