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Category: Dear Forms Committee

Dear Forms Committee: What happens if one party believes the other party is in default under the terms of the OREF Sale Agreement?

Dear Forms Committee: What happens if one party believes the other party is in default under the terms of the OREF Sale Agreement?


The OREF Sale Agreement doesn’t lock the parties into using certain forms, responses, and deadlines when one party is believed to be in default. OREF forms are straightforward: look at the Earnest Money provisions (Sections 28.2 and 28.3 of OREF-001). If the parties don’t agree

Dear Forms Committee: What is the purpose of Sections 7.1 and 7.2 in the OREF Residential Sale Agreement if they don’t require anybody to do anything?

Dear Forms Committee: What is the purpose of Sections 7.1 and 7.2 in the OREF Residential Sale Agreement if they don’t require anybody to do anything?


OREF forms do more than specify rights and duties: they serve as a valuable guide for people entering into one of the most important contracts of their lifetime. In pursuit of that goal, several provisions of the Sale Agreement remind the parties of essential things

Dear Forms Committee: Do I need to disclose dual agency if I have two buyers looking for a similar property in the same area?

Dear Forms Committee: Do I need to disclose dual agency if I have two buyers looking for a similar property in the same area?


Under Oregon law, a buyer’s agent may show properties in which their buyer is interested to other prospective buyers without breaching an affirmative duty to the buyer (see ORS 696.810(4)). It becomes more complicated if two buyers are interested in the same property. When an

Dear Forms Committee: How does the financing contingency protect my client using the OREF Sale Agreement?

Dear Forms Committee: How does the financing contingency protect my client using the OREF Sale Agreement?


Per Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of the OREF 001 – Residential Sale Agreement, the transaction is subject to the following: Buyer and property must qualify for the loan from the lender, the lender’s appraisal must not be less than the purchase price, and the buyer