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Tech Tip: How to Create Templates in SkySlope

Create a template in SkySlope by following these steps:

  1. Log in to SkySlope:
  2. Select the Template menu Selection near the top of the webpage.
  3. Select “Create Template”
  4. Choose your Client Type (Buyer/Seller/etc.)
  5. Search for the forms you want in the template and select “add” next to them, once you’re finished selecting forms, click “continue” in the bottom right corner.
  6. Review your selected forms and save your template.

Now you’re ready to apply your templates to your files!


All comments and responses from OREF or its staff, managers, and volunteers are non-legal opinions made for general purposes. Each Forms subscriber must rely solely upon their Principal broker or personal legal counsel for specific advice and instruction. You and your client should independently confirm that the Form(s) you use are legally suitable for the purposes intended and that they are current with respect to all laws and regulations.