Dear Forms Committee: If the seller would like to accept an offer after the offer expiration, is a standard addendum sufficient to extend the offer expiration date?
Yes, if the addendum covers both the extension and the acceptance, and everyone signs and delivers it, you have a valid contract.
Legally, any response to an offer that does not precisely match the terms of the offer is a counteroffer, even an extension of the acceptance deadline. The label at the top of the document is not particularly important: the content is what counts. To get the content right, extend the expiration date in writing.
All comments and responses from OREF or its staff, managers, and volunteers are non-legal opinions made for general purposes. Each Forms subscriber must rely solely upon their Principal broker or personal legal counsel for specific advice and instruction. You and your client should independently confirm that the Form(s) you use are legally suitable for the purposes intended and that they are current with respect to all laws and regulations.